
Basic SEO Tips For 2016 Pre Audit

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is becoming more and more important and necessary for companies, it is becoming tricky. ย I had explored for number of articles and attend number of Digital Marketing events, but still I am in hunt for the information and from the resources on SEO

As per my experience and as per my knowledge today, I am sharing valuable information and tips regarding SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Before starting any kind of SEO (search engine Optimization) activities, just start with the pre-audit (For fresh and old websites both). Some basic points need to be considered during auditing.

Check Is The Site Is Responsive Or Not.

People are using mobile and tablet for internet browsing extensively. They are preferring ย information search on it (smartphone devices and tablet devices) hence, that the reason Google changed the algorithm. And now Google started indexing only mobile responsive website.

As per the Google Update information – Overall search result of 2014 in the United States mobile search queries was roughly more than 29% of total search volumes, across the entire industries). Even other countries like Japan, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, India and more, search queries volume of mobile devices is increased.

Check Broken Links

Broken links or broken backlinks are dangerous or you can say unfavorable from the SEO point of view also as it will misdirect search engines when it crawls to irrelevant web pages. Organically your page rank (PR) will decrease due to broken links.
So, every quarter, month or monthly check your backlinks, for maintaining your page rank.

Loading Time

Google not recommends high loading time of pages. If ย a web page takes more time to load, the rate of bounce increases. (Google always follows user-friendly first).

Tips on reduce loading time – Avoid extensive use of Javascript & flash on the website.
If you are using more CSS, then put your CSS in separate .css files, not embedded in each page. And if JavaScript is more necessary, then split up your javascript, same as you split up your CSS. Set up GZIP compression on your web server. If it possible then, tailor your website more simple by using less image, java scripts and also avoid table format website.

Is Sitemap.XMLย Covered All The Necessary Web Pages URLsย ?

Sitemap.xml permitโ€™s website builders/developer to address search engines, for crawling the necessary website pages URLs.

Check Web Page’s Contents Is Unique or Not?

To get better ranking and avoid Google Panda penalty you must have unique and relevant content as well as user-friendly too.

Tips on How to Start Your Content –
ย Start your content with Brand name or by main keywords by following your sub keywords. Reason Google index from left to right.

Check The Navigation Is User-Friendly Or Not?

Tailor your navigation user-friendly, which can help with delivery services/products within two to three clicks. If we make more clicks to users, he will skip from our site. That the main reason navigation plays the crucial role in delivering what the user expects.

Check Google Map Added Or Not At The “Contact Us” Page?

Google map assist people who are searching information for organizations in a specific region. Use of google map helps get data in fewer time that you can truly depend upon.

Create Search Engine Friendly Robot.Txt File

A robots.txt file gives instructions to web robots about the website pages, which web pages need to crawl and which are not to crawled.

Robots.txt file is one of the most important files as per SEO point of view. Robot.txt file describes the web pages which are the page to access and index to search engines.

Especially for most important for CMS (Content Management System) Websites.
Reason –
Let me share small example – In CMS we have been logging page or term and condition page which are not necessary to index, so we can address to search engine not to index this page

And The Most Important Things Check Canonical Issues:

The canonical issue is one of the biggest issues, most of the developer have no idea about this. Hence, an SEO person must check this issue.
Canonical issue means – When a website URL say is typed in the web browser, and if doesnโ€™t redirect to
The search engine cannot understand that both the URLs – htttp:// and are same, hence, it treats as different URLs. So, this can make issues which upgrading sites for Web crawler.

Wrap Up

If you are looking for a SEO services and need to Hire SEO Services Company, Freelance, Consultant or SEO web developer who provides the SEO services then before hire to them just check out that they are aware of latest Google’s Updates or not!